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Out of Province Donor

Out of Province Donor Process

If you are thinking of selecting a donor that is from out of the GTA area (we have identified these donors in the ‘Notes’ section on the database), please read the below carefully. If you are working with a clinic outside of Toronto, and are selecting a donor in Ontario, the below will apply as well.

If you have selected a first time donor, your clinic will need to see her for her screening appointment. You will be responsible financially for the transportation and accommodation of this appointment. We will coordinate all of the items needed for this appointment (flight, hotel, meals, etc.) and will bill you actual costs.

Your clinic will then set up a satellite monitoring clinic near her home for some of these appointments if a monitoring clinic is available of course.

Depending on your clinic, these may be billed to you, through us. Typically, we set this up and arrange payment to the monitoring clinic. This will be billed to you by us after we have received an invoice.The clinic will inform us of when she needs to be seen by them. This is usually near the end of the cycle (approximately 6 days prior to retrieval). We will make the arrangements for her to arrive and complete her hotel reservation. The actual costs of her flight or train, hotel, meals and transportation allowance will be billed directly to you by us.

She will stay local to your clinic for 7-14+ days, depending on your clinics protocol.

Selecting an out of town donor can be scary with the unknowns; however, we are here to help you along this process as much as we can. We want this journey to be as smooth as possible.

Please note: if your doctor determines that the candidate you selected is not a good candidate for you to move forward with, we will transfer our Administrative fee to a donor of your choice. Unfortunately, any testing fees or expenses incurred by the donor will not be refundable.


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Suite 235
218 Silvercreek Parkway N.
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 8E8

We are also pleased to let you know about our Surrogate Consulting Division: Canadian Surrogacy Options.