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  1. How long has Little Miracles been facilitating egg donations?
  2. What is a typical timeline of events for Recipients with Little Miracles?
  3. How long does it take to complete an ovum donation cycle once I've chosen a donor?
  4. I am not from Toronto, Ontario - can Little Miracles refer me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist?
  5. What are the fees?
  6. What kind of contact can I expect to have with my donor?
  7. Our fertility specialist has advised us that we would increase our chances of achieving pregnancy via a surrogate.
  8. Are all of the donors in your database currently available to donate?
  1. How long has Little Miracles been facilitating egg donations?

    We are proud to have been assisting families for over 15 years, with Little Miracles being started in 2007.

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  2. What is a typical timeline of events for Recipients with Little Miracles?

    • Recipient(s) have a consultation with Little Miracles either by phone or in person.
    • Recipient(s) select a donor. Comprehensive donor profiles are available online. Your Coordinator can offer valuable guidance during the process of choosing your donor, and we will also make recommendations based upon our consultation with you.
    • Once your donor is selected, we will schedule your donor for her initial medical screening with your fertility specialist or her monitoring physician’s office (if out-of-town), and you will work with your fertility specialist to establish a calendar for your cycle.
    • Little Miracles will send you your Program contract for your signature and refer you to an attorney’s office for the completion of your legal paperwork with your donor.
    • Recipient(s) work with the attorney’s office to arrange for execution of all legal documents for the ovum donation cycle. Your donor will also be working with an attorney for her legal paperwork for your cycle.
    • When the calendar for the cycle is established and all legal paperwork is completed, both the Recipient Mother and her donor will begin medications as determined by your fertility specialist in preparation for egg retrieval. Your Coordinator will undertake arranging for all of your donor’s doctor’s appointments and travel (if necessary).
    • When stimulation phase of medications is complete, your donor will take her final HcG injection and your fertility specialist performs her egg retrieval procedure
      36 hours later.
    • The eggs are fertilized by your embryologist.
    • Approximately 3 days following the retrieval, the Recipient Mother will undergo embryo transfer with her fertility specialist. The remaining embryos are frozen by your fertility specialist for use in future cycles, if necessary. If you and your fertility specialist opt to not undergo immediate transfer of your embryos, then all embryos are frozen for your future IVF cycles.
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  3. How long does it take to complete an ovum donation cycle once I've chosen a donor?

    The standard time frame is 2-3 months once your donor is confirmed with Little Miracles.

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  4. I am not from Toronto, Ontario - can Little Miracles refer me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist?

    Certainly. We pride ourselves on working with only the finest reproductive-specialty physicians, all of which have earned our trust through several procedures.

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  5. What are the fees?

    Please email us for more information on the costs associated with a Donor Egg Cycle.

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  6. What kind of contact can I expect to have with my donor?

    The amount of contact available to you varies depending on your donor. Many of our donors choose to remain anonymous throughout the donation process. However, if your donor is amenable and you desire, we can arrange a facilitated face-to-face meeting after your donor is confirmed for your cycle. We also encourage the use of letters to introduce yourself to the donor and thank her for sharing her gift with you. We respect the personal nature of the choice to use an ovum donor and will only share with the donor the information you permit.

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  7. Our fertility specialist has advised us that we would increase our chances of achieving pregnancy via a surrogate.

    Yes. Canadian Surrogacy Options Inc., also directed by Joanne Wright, can assist you in your search for a surrogate. It is not uncommon that we coordinate egg donor cycles for eventual embryo transfer to a surrogate. You may also view more information at: www.canadiansurrogacyoptions.com

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  8. Are all of the donors in your database currently available to donate?

    Yes. Donors visible to you in our database are available to donate. Once a donor is confirmed for a cycle, her profile is change to “not available” from view within 3 days until she is available to donate again. The rare exception may occur when a donor is placed “on hold” by another Recipient. Your Coordinator will be able to tell you if a donor you’re interested in is on hold for another Recipient.

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Being a Donor… What to Expect

July 25, 2017 Published by 2 Comments
Post Categories: UncategorizedBlog

Step One Complete our application. Once you are comfortable with the process, please log into our secure online application. Our application will as you questions about your ancestral bac ground, family information, medical information, reproductive history, personal reasons for becoming a donor, education, and personality. Step Two Little Miracles will enter you into our database….
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F.A.Q.’s when looking to become a Donor

July 24, 2017 Published by 1 Comment
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PRESS RELEASE: Canadian Surrogacy Options, Canada’s First Surrogacy Company, Celebrates 25 Years Helping Couples Nurture Their Dream Of Having A Family

September 16, 2016 Published by 1 Comment
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Canadian Surrogacy Options, Canada’s First Surrogacy Company, Celebrates 25 Years Helping Couples Nurture Their Dream Of Having A Family Toronto, ON (September 6, 2016) – Canadian Surrogacy Options Inc. (CSO), celebrates its 25th year in operations with a planned rebranding rollout in 2017.  CSO has hired local boutique advertising and PR company, Solara Communications, to execute the…
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Suite 235
218 Silvercreek Parkway N.
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 8E8

We are also pleased to let you know about our Surrogate Consulting Division: Canadian Surrogacy Options.