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Message from the President

Thank you for taking the time to look through our new egg donor division.

My name is Joanne and I am the Managing Founder of Little Miracles. I currently live in Southwestern Ontario. I am the mom of three great kids, 1 cat, 2 dogs, and the newest loves of my life, my Grandson Cameron and Erica.

Having seen the struggle the couples face to build their families, I started Canadian Surrogacy Options Inc. This is a company that helps couples to maneuver their way through surrogacy, and provides consulting and education, and I have been doing this since 1992.

With my background of being a Gestational Surrogate four times as well as an egg donor three times, I knew that egg donation could also help and benefit many couples to have their families. I hope that my personal experience will be able to guide you through this highly emotional time.

My goal is to make this a positive and life changing experience for everyone involved. I hope to be able to educate and enlighten people about this very viable family building option in Canada.

I absolutely adore my job and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. It truly warms my heart when I know that we have been just a little piece of the equation to help a couple have hope again. I hope that I am able to convey to you that having your family through egg donation can be a wonderful experience, and I hope that we can assist you to have your family the way you envision.

Good Luck,
Joanne Wright, Managing Founder


Registered Donors


Currently Helping


Families Created since 2014

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Being a Donor… What to Expect

July 25, 2017 Published by 2 Comments
Post Categories: UncategorizedBlog

Step One Complete our application. Once you are comfortable with the process, please log into our secure online application. Our application will as you questions about your ancestral bac ground, family information, medical information, reproductive history, personal reasons for becoming a donor, education, and personality. Step Two Little Miracles will enter you into our database….
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F.A.Q.’s when looking to become a Donor

July 24, 2017 Published by 1 Comment
Post Categories: UncategorizedBlog

What is the chance of a Recipient Couple achieving a pregnancy while using Egg Donation? Generally a Couple has approximately a 75% chance of achieving a pregnancy with the help of a young, healthy Egg Donor. Why should an Egg Donor work with an agency? An agency offers a donor protection and guidance. Our staff…
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PRESS RELEASE: Canadian Surrogacy Options, Canada’s First Surrogacy Company, Celebrates 25 Years Helping Couples Nurture Their Dream Of Having A Family

September 16, 2016 Published by 1 Comment
Post Categories: UncategorizedBlog

Canadian Surrogacy Options, Canada’s First Surrogacy Company, Celebrates 25 Years Helping Couples Nurture Their Dream Of Having A Family Toronto, ON (September 6, 2016) – Canadian Surrogacy Options Inc. (CSO), celebrates its 25th year in operations with a planned rebranding rollout in 2017.  CSO has hired local boutique advertising and PR company, Solara Communications, to execute the…
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Suite 235
218 Silvercreek Parkway N.
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 8E8

We are also pleased to let you know about our Surrogate Consulting Division: Canadian Surrogacy Options.